Symptoms: Morning, Afternoon, and ALL DAY sickness started around week 7. I threw up about 8 times in two days when I finally gave in to my new found best friend: ZOFRAN. This stuff works. I haven't even felt sick at all today which is amazing! Since the day I started zofran I dry heaved a few times a day- but kept everything down. Been drinking Ginger-ale, eating ginger cookies, and crackers to help calm the stomach. I literally eat ALL day to help- I'm sure I'm gaining weight in all the wrong areas..:) Oh ya- I'm pretty sleepy all day- I could sleep 10 hours at night and still want a nap the next day!
I learned that craving in your first trimester is just food that you can actually eat without vomiting. :) I have been OBSESSED with pickles- I have eaten HALF of the massive COSTCO size bottle of pickles! haha! I had pickles and waffles one night- So I guess that's a bit odd- and lately ALL I want is broccoli and Cheese Soup! YUMMM!!! But overall I just don't want anything sweet- like cookies and such- or anything too greasy. Somehow I am still NOT loosing weight though- haha
Baby's Milestones:
BABY is MOVING this week! Although I don't feel anything at all:) Oh and NO more tail on the baby! Which means hopefully next week's ultrasound will actually look like a baby. :)
Baby is growing nipples and hair follicles- His pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and anus are all in place, ready to poop and pee a dozen times a day when he's born. Baby is beginning to develop her hoo-ha or his wee-wee. Baby should be now 1-inch in length, about the size of a martini olive and weighs a mere 2 grams—a little less than a penny. Baby is also developing bones and muscles! SO amazing to me still that a baby is growing inside me!
Um ya sorta- there is a bump all right but it's not from the baby most likley- haha- it's more from my poor healing ovaries still and probably eating too much- haha!
I get my 10 week ultrasound one week from today.:) I cannot WAIT to see how much little baby Tashjian has grown!
p.s. I find out if it's a girl or a boy in freakin 5 weeks!!!! I am like jumping out of my pants excited about this! :) I vote girl- of course Jonny votes for a boy...Really I think I will be happy with either! OH and CONGRATULATIONS to my good friend Sheila who did her first try of IVF and found out she is pregnant a few days ago!!! AGAIN- jumping out my pants excited!!! Happy Halloween Everyone!!! :) I am sending baby dust to everyone out there trying right now! Keep it positive people! If it can happen for me after 6- 7 years it can happen for you too!!!! :)
Oh and a picture of the baby from last week. :)