I am nine days past my cycle today. ugh. starting to hate this PCOS thing all over again. Cramps, skin breaking out, and achy boobs for days before starting. And no end in sight! For a brief moment last night I thought MAYBE I should take a test. My mind plays crazy tricks on me now. I tested. Negative. Just waiting for aunt flo to show it's ugly face. It could have been the stress this past week. I spent the last five days at the ICU with Deklan. I won't go into details here because I wrote about them on my family blog. He caught the Rotavirus at Disneyland. BAD. It was the scariest thing I have ever been through. If you don't know about the Rotavirus please check it out- and be careful at places like Disney. You can click
read about it. He lost a lot of weight, but is SO much better now.
I also have his ten month updates
HERE. He is 100 percent back to my crazy little boy I love so much. Going through this experience made me appreciate every moment with him that much more. This boy made me a mom. He changed me in so many ways. You soften up. And I love it. :) I love spending everyday with my little man.
Any suggestions ladies that YOU do to get aunt flo to come along?? Back when we were with the fertility dr he would prescribe progesterone pills- I haven't gone back to him though yet. I need to get back into some of the natural stuff again. Thanks ladies. :) Hope some of you are having better luck in that department!