Baby Talk: I am only 4 weeks away from Declan being HALF-WAY cooked. :)Baby is now 4.6 inches long (about the size of an avocado)and is finally gaining some weight this week! :)His legs are finally longer than his arms which mean an ultrasound will be MUCH more human like. :) My next one is not till 19 and a half weeks though so my hope is that he will start to look a little more like a baby and less like an alien! :) My doctor was nice enough (since I am a worry wort) to give me an EXTRA dr appt this week to hear the heartbeat and for him to make sure the baby is growing properly. I am super excited for that on Thursday.
Symptoms: Still dealing with occasional nausea, acne (so attractive), mood swings for sure, and some emotional moments. For instance my husband thought I was having dinner one night with my family (because I was) and he brought home a Freddy's hamburger and fries & shake and I cried because he didn't bring me any.....I realized moments after I was being ridiculous but still scowled at him the rest of the day. Seriously though I need to get my emotions in check- things that never used to bother me make me cry. RIDICULOUS.
My headaches right now are pretty bad and pretty much ALL DAY. HOWEVER, second trimester is MUCH better than the first thus far! My energy levels are much better and I am finally feeling like my belly "looks" a little more pregnant- I think my belly size has remained the same since BEFORE I was pregnant because of all the drugs. Before the belly was ALL ovaries...slowly my ovaries are recovering and the baby is GROWING! My last belly picture looks the same if not LARGER than this one- stinken ovaires...dealing with OHSS (overstimulated ovaries) was pretty much the worst part in this whole process. Glad they are healing!
It's probably about that time I need to go get some maternity jeans- just have been too busy with Christmas and planning the nursery. I LOVE seeing how excited Jonny is for his little boy- he wants to be a part of EVERYTHING (which can be annoying when it comes to decorating the nursery the way I WANT!) I think in the end it will be me to choose most everything- I am compromising on a "few" things though. He is going to make the cutest dad I already know. He comes to every appointment possible- records EVERY heartbeat he hears and video tapes pretty much every ultrasound. Whenever he see's a father and son together he get's all giddy and says "That's gonna be ME soon!" He is JUST as excited if not more so than I am (if that's even possible)We can't wait to snuggle our little man.
Here is the picture of the nursery thus far. We still have to paint and now go buy a brand new crib. If you didn't hear my nightmare story- here is the short version: I bought a pottery barn crib on craigslist for $200- it was the EXACT crib I wanted but for $400 less. I asked the lady if it was recalled or anything crazy like that- she claimed it wasn't- I put it together to find out it was- called pottery barn and they are now giving me $600 to go buy a BRAND NEW CRIB- whatever I want! Turned out in my favor! :)
I am pretty much THE WORST at taking belly shots. This is my second ever- at 16 weeks. I had a hard time justifying taking them since I felt it all looked the same but here it is. Sorry about the bad quality. My friend at work took them because she tries to remind me to take them since I don't.
Baby Declan has been making himself "known" as of late which I LOVE. My belly bumps into random things now and I am feeling little flutters (not a lot but a few)I cannot wait to feel him move more.
P.S. DO NOT watch birth videos 5 months before you know you have to give birth- I'm scared now...
And GOOD LUCK to all you ladies finding out in the next week about your BFP! I am seeing more and more good results and am so happy for ALL of you- sending baby dust your way! :)
I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka