As far as everything else goes...aunt flow should be here tomorrow. I have kind of lost hope of the idea of getting pregnant on my own though. I never went back for another ultrasound to check on my cyst since the pain went away. It never ruptured though it's either just slowly going away or hidden somewhere ready to pop. I haven't felt it for a while thank goodness! Thank you for all your sweet thoughts! I recently added a few of you on facebook and instagram which has been so fun to get to know you better :) If you would like to add me here I am:
Brittytash is my instagram name :)
Although I guess we should be careful of crazy stalkers after what happened to our fellow blogger friend !! Still SO crazy! Okay here are a few instagram pics of the trip! :)

Had to take this from the bathroom- BEST INVENTION EVER! Please ignore the no socks- this boy threw them off while sitting there! :)

p.s if you are reading this TTC Baby E email me at I can't see your blog anymore :( I hope you are okay and am SO SO sorry for the loss of your dad. I lost my dad just a few years ago and am still heart broken. It's the hardest thing to go through- email me if you need anything girl! Sending you LOTS of love and prayers xoxoxo