Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Perks of Pregnancy
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Half Way There
Baby: Baby is as big as a cantaloupe. Can’t believe I am fitting a cantaloupe child in my belly right now. He is about 7 inches in length and weighs ALMOST a pound!
Baby is creating meconium (ewe) and gaining weight now to get ready for birth! Declan also has sleep patterns now, which I am pretty sure I am aware of already. He sleeps during the day and wakes up at night BIG time! Lucky me for after he is born with this habit J I am guessing there is no way to adjust this now either is there?
Movement: Oh my gosh- I swear he is doing a round off back handspring in there as of late! I LOVE IT!!!!!
I am starting to wonder if that show "I didn't know I was Pregnant" was a big fat LIE! Seriously though...how in the world can you NOT see your belly growing because something the size of a Cantalaop is moving around inside of you?? Used to love that show...now I don't believe...haha!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Anatomy Scan
Monday, January 9, 2012
Blog Award

I wrote about it on THIS blog since that is where I received the award- but MANY of you have received an award from me there so be sure to check it out! :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
ChEcKlIsT KeEpS GrOwInG!!!!
We are working on designing some custom bedding- which again has been a pain to agree on- Jonny really likes this set below- so this is a possibility for the fabrics.

Monday, January 2, 2012
18 Weeks 1 day and the Beginning of 2012
He is finally making himself known by moving all around in my belly - he feels like an active one now! My hubby still can't feel it yet but I'm sure that's to come in the next few weeks- something we are looking forward to. :) It puts a HUGE smile on my face every time I feel him moving around. Right now I can usually only feel him for a few minutes at a time a few times a day- hopefully as he gets bigger it will be easier to tell.
My husband and my 8 year anniversary is coming up here pretty soon here. Every year this brought on a lot of bittersweet feelings- it was a reminder each year that I STILL wasn't pregnant. It hurt so bad because I would do ANYTHING to be in this position right now. As you can see from my background story- we tried a REALLY long time. I read a story today about a woman who went into pre term labor at 18 weeks (SAME amount of pregnancy as me) and lost her little boy. She was so positive and so sweet and grateful for the time she got to hold her little boy. This reminded me how fragile life really is and to NEVER take one moment for granted. Point is- I tried a long time for this baby- I am truly grateful for every moment with this baby- even the hard ones.
Now onto Exciting things:
How Far Along: 18 weeks (ALMOST HALF WAY!!!!!) 22 Weeks LEFT
Baby Update:
Every week I get SO excited to see how much my little Declan has grown from all these awesome websites out there.
*Declan is now 5.6 inches long (He is as big as a bell pepper!)
*He weighs a whopping 6.7 ounces! (Over Half a pound and continuing to gain weight)
* He's yawning, hiccupping, swallowing, twisting, rolling, punching, and kicking!
Things I miss most: Nothing- waited too long for this :)
Things I am looking forward to:
Getting to see my little boy again on ultrasound in a week and a half! Going in at a little over 19 weeks to do his anatomy scan. I am a nervous wreck as usual wanting him to be healthy but am thrilled to see his cute little face and see how he has changed in the past month!
Symptoms: Was still dealing with vomiting and dehydration pretty bad at the beginning of the week- lost 5 pounds in the mix of all this and now back to gaining. Feeling SO much better now!!! Dealing with just gagging a few times a day- and headaches that are still not nearly as severe as last week. Still having crazy VIVID dreams- so strange to remember 2 or 3 different dreams when you wake up the next morning. Still 4 pounds under where I started the pregnancy at, but I have a feeling that’s gonna change really quick here. J
Cravings: Grapefruit and sugary cereals this week. Still craving pickles…mmm mmmm
P.S THANK you for all the texts, emails, and responses on the baby sling. I have a good friend who is going to make me a homemade “Moby Wrap” from a tutorial she found and another friend letting me try out one she didn’t use with her baby. I appreciate ALL the help!
AND a belly shot for the week. Jonny said the shirt is taking away from the belly so I was brave and did one without. Don't let the white belly scare you...tanning hasn't been my top priority as of late. :)